Sendings and Distance Reiki


Reiki energy is not limited by distance and time.  There are no barriers.   At times attending a session is not available to us for many reasons so Reiki energy can come to you.

Loving, compassionate Reiki healing can be done without your physical body present.  It is also not required that you be in any particular place or setting to receive the energy.  An openess to receive is all that is required.  

How does Distance Reiki work? 

Upon connecting, we will arrange a date and time to sit in quiet meditation for the Reiki transmision.  You may send me a photo via email for the sending.   I will ask you your intentions for the healing.   Distance sendings are not long in duration.  

Options available are 30 minute sendings or the 21 Day Sendings (20 min each in duration)  

Please connect via email to book a long distance or sending appointment.  

Your Personal Investment:  

30 minute Distant Reiki session -  $ 55 

30 minute Distance Reiki Sending with an intutive Spiritual guidance reading   $ 150