Find Your Wings. And Fly.

Find Your Wings.
And Fly.  

This month as been a month of reflection for me.  Consciously so.  Slowing my processes.  Slowing my breath.  Healing some hurt.  Reframing life.  Reimagining this next stage of my life.  Taking stock of some shadowy attributes coming from a deep sense of insecurity.  Celebrating the light attributes I bring to the table.  Asking the question...what's next? 

At the end of the month I turn 60. A number in amongst a whole lot of numbers and lived experiences, but for some reason, this number means so much for me. The path getting here, has had some heaviness, in all honesty.  A bit of a surprise for me, but here we are.   It hasn't necessarily been about the number itself, but my limited beliefs about where I think I should be at this time of life and in relation to the rest of life.  

As a woman and healer, I have been doing the work.   We do the work if we are to do the work.  It's that simple.  

This is where I have arrived in my conclusions about where I am today. Perhaps there is someone reading this who may resonate with the truth in it.    

There is a beauty at this stage of life.  At any stage.  But it's this stage where I recognize and grieve in some ways, all the ways I have not been tender with myself in my younger days.  For some reason, this stage has brought me there.  Brought me to the places I was hard on myself for thinking, feeling, believing less of myself, my body, my desireability, my heart as a woman.  The times when approval from others meant more to me than my own values.  

At each stage of life, we grow into a clearer version of ourselves.  We arrive knowing ourselves in ways that we never appreciated in younger years.  We arrive having made friends with our changing bodies after years of being so hard on them.  We arrive with a freedom that comes with wisdom.  We arrive, hopefully, having a deep love and gratitude for exactly how we have shown up today, at this time in our own skin.  

What I have come to deeply appreciate this past month, is that every single space and time in life has meaning and value, that all leads us to the doorstep of present.  Again, not new learning for me but the layers of life we unfold at each stage is incredible to me.  The way we choose to define our life in the present tense, requires that we let go of our attachements to some of the ways we have felt before.  

Today, I arrive at a place of peace and gratitude.  Again and again.  Life is a series of movements and cycles through which we travel.  We are human. And being human means that we are  impacted by cycles at times.  If we are honest with ourselves and take time to reflect, we arrive at a place of serenity.   

Life is a blessing.   

How amazing to travel through it, leaving our footpring in the hearts of many.  And on a life well lived.  

Photo: a beautiful angel wing shell from my sister.  Found in Florida beaches! 

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