Its difficult to capture the essence of all the Gifts presented to me in my life in 2017.
On this frosty day, as I sit in the warmth and coziness of my living room, I reflect on a year well lived. I lived my year well. And I smile strongly, as I have many times during the year, with this recognition. With my sharing, I invite you all to reflect with me on the rememberance of the beauty of 2017. The little moments our psyche forgets. And with that rememberance, bring that light into 2018.
My year, as for many of us, was a year of Me. Of my growth. It was in the stars.
What I learned about myself through the beauty of sacred interaction with important people in my life, is this. I learned that I can and should allow moments of vulnerability. Vulnerability without judgement of self. Vulnerability without the need or feeling of then trying to recoup any damages from being vulnerable but just allowing and trusting in the love of others.
Its difficult to be vulnerable when you have always demonstrated strength and perseverance.
My biggest learning this past year is to not apologize for needing you. Or anyone. And to sink into truth in vulnerability. We are not always strong and that is ok.
What I have learned this past year is that I fell in love with Ireland. My heart and soul is truly living there through this life, and as I learned, through many past lives. I have a deep rememberance of her. I was so fortunate to experience her with my dear sister who helps me in more ways that she knows.
What I felt this past year is a deeper connection and love for my family. I have enjoyed and treasured the times I have spent this past year and rejoice in planning more specialness in 2018. Let's make it happen! I have also serendipitously crossed paths with some new likeminded friends.
What I have stepped into in 2017, and further into 2018, is a Journey of acceptance of where I am in life. This year I will be 55 in earth years and have pushed past the veil of fear around this. Where I am in life at this juncture and what to embrace as I age. I have had the blessings of hearing similar feelings from some of my soul sisters and invite you on this journey with me. In 2017 I have joined a group of women in Grandmother Teachings about embracing life in the Northern years. As a part of that journey I have been reflecting on my life at each stage. I have been beading my moccasins to take the next step into this stage of life. I look forward to the continued reflections and learnings in this beautiful tradition.
Whatever it is you have experienced in the past year, honour it all in the language of Love. Remember the moments and remind yourself that you always have the power to create more moments. You DO. I invite you to stop wishing and start doing.
We are all Spirits having a Human experience. Our time on this planet is brief, yet expansive. Time is accelerating and there is no going back in time. I felt that deeply this past year.
Practice being in the moment and deeply, truly, madly LOVING that moment in time.
Practice letting go of attachment to people, places, things, expectations.
That is where my human Journey is taking me in 2018.
I wish you all a beautiful, healthy, happy, JOYfilled and loving new year!! Today is just the first day but you have the power to make every day feel like a new day.
With love & gratitude for your loving support. xo